Diana Lasso Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Diana Lasso

Diana Lasso is a talented singer, actress, and ex-wife of the famous American comedian and singer Wayne Brady. She was born in Colombia and later became an American citizen. Diana rose to fame not only for her marriage to Brady but also for her musical career. Her passion for music started at a young age, and she eventually pursued it professionally, gaining recognition and success. However, her marriage to Brady brought her even more attention and media coverage. Now, in 2024, Diana remains a beloved figure in the entertainment industry with a successful career and a loving family.

Who is Diana Lasso ?

Diana Lasso is a woman with a beautiful voice who loves to sing. She comes from a country called Colombia but now lives in America. Long ago, she married Wayne Brady, who is very funny and appears on TV. They were married but then decided not to be together anymore. Diana has a daughter she loves very much. Even though Diana used to sing a lot and make music, she doesn’t do it in front of everyone now. Instead, she enjoys her life quietly, spending time with her daughter and doing things she loves, like reading and being in Nature.


Real Name/Birth Name Diana Lasso
Stage Name Diana Lasso
Gender Female
Date of Birth March 4, 1975
Height 5 feet 3 inches
Weight 50 kg (110 lbs)
Net Worth $1 million

Early Life and Education

Diana Lasso was a little girl living in Colombia, a beautiful faraway country. When she was as young as you, she loved to sing. Singing was her favorite thing to do! Just imagine your favorite activity, and that’s how much Diana loved music. She attended school like you, where she learned to read, write, and make new friends. School was also where she discovered more about music and how fun it can be to share songs with others. Diana worked hard at school because she knew education was necessary for following her dreams.

parents and siblings

Diana Lasso grew up in Colombia, which is far from where she lives now. She was born into a loving family, but we don’t know much about her mom and dad or if she has brothers and sisters. Just like you, Diana was once a little kid who probably played and laughed with her family. Imagine having fun with your family; that’s what Diana did, too. Her family must have been unique because they helped her become the kind, talented person she is today. Even though we don’t hear about them much, they’re a big part of Diana’s story.

Husband and Boyfriend

Diana Lasso was once married to a funny and kind man named Wayne Brady. Wayne makes people laugh on TV shows and sings songs like Diana does. They got married because they really liked each other. But, after a while, they decided to live separately, which means they are not married anymore. Diana and Wayne still care about each other and have happy memories from their friendship. Diana doesn’t talk about having a boyfriend now because she likes to keep some parts of her life just for her. So, she focuses on her music, her daughter, and enjoying her life every day.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Diana Lasso is a wonderful person whose birthday is March 4 every year. Since we’re talking in 2023, you can count how many years old she is by subtracting 1975 from 2023. She’s grown up to be a pretty lady who stands at a height that lets her reach for the stars, even if we don’t know exactly how tall. Her weight is just right for her, making her strong enough to hug her daughter tightly and sing with all her heart.

When you look at pictures of Diana, you’ll see she has a kind smile that lights up any room, and her eyes seem to dance when she talks about music or her daughter. She doesn’t tell everyone her dress or shoe size because she likes to keep some things private, but that’s okay! What’s most notable about Diana is not how she looks but the lovely person she is on the inside and the beautiful music she shares with the world.

Diana Lasso Career

Diana Lasso once had a career in singing, which is like being a music superhero. She used her voice to create beautiful songs that could make people happy or calm, just like magic. Diana loved to sing ever since she was a little girl in Colombia, dreaming about music. When she grew up, she turned that dream into reality. She would stand on a stage, hold a microphone, and share her songs with everyone listening.

Even though we don’t hear her singing on the radio today, Diana’s musical journey is incredible because she followed her heart. Just imagine you using your superpower, whatever makes you happy, like Diana did with her singing. It’s all about doing what you love and sharing it with the world, even if you decide to do it quietly.

Diana Lasso Social Media Presence

Diana Lasso likes to keep her life pretty quiet, so she isn’t a big fan of sharing everything online like many others do. Even though she doesn’t post many pictures or talk about her day on the internet, she might still enjoy looking at what others share. It’s like how some of us listen more than we talk.

Diana Lasso

If you’re trying to find Diana on places like Instagram or Twitter, you might not see her posting selfies or what she ate for breakfast. She shares her life with her close friends and family instead of the whole world. But who knows? She’ll want to share more about her music and adventures with us one day!

Diana Lasso Before fame

Before Diana Lasso became known to many people, she was a regular girl growing up in Colombia. Imagine a young girl with big dreams, singing her heart out and loving every minute. That girl was Diana. She wasn’t famous, and most people outside her family and friends didn’t know about her fantastic voice. Diana spent her days just like any other kid—going to school, playing, and practicing her singing.

She loved music more than anything else. Even then, she knew that singing was what she wanted to do. Diana didn’t start out with many followers or fans; she started just like anyone else, with a passion for music and a dream to sing. And boy, did she love to sing in her room, in the backyard, or at a local event in her town. Every note she sang brought her closer to her dream.

Diana Lasso Net Worth and Achievements

Diana Lasso has done some pretty cool things in her life! Even though we don’t know how much money she has, people think she has saved a lot from her singing and maybe from when she married Wayne Brady. But, remember, the most essential things about Diana aren’t about money.

She has a beautiful voice and makes music that makes people happy. Plus, being a wonderful mom to her daughter is a significant achievement, too! Diana shows us that doing what you love, like singing or spending time with family, is exceptional. She might not always be on TV, but she’s done awesome stuff that makes her and the people around her smile. That’s pretty amazing.

Diana Lasso Legacy and Impact

Diana Lasso may not be a name you hear every day on the radio or see on TV, but she has made her own unique mark in the world. Even though she loved to sing, Diana’s most significant impact might not be from her music. Instead, it’s how she shows us to live with kindness and follow what makes us happy, even if it’s not what everyone else is doing. She teaches us that it’s okay to enjoy simple things, like spending time with family or enjoying Nature.

Her way of living quietly and loving what she does—like making music and being a great mom—reminds everyone that fame isn’t the only way to be happy or make a difference. Diana’s story helps us remember that our happiness and how we treat others can leave a lasting impression on the world, just like a beautiful song.


Making Music: Diana loves to create her own songs. It’s like playing with sounds to make something pretty. 

Reading Stories: She enjoys opening a book and diving into exciting tales. It’s an adventure without leaving her chair!

Quiet Time: Sometimes, Diana likes to be still and enjoy the silence. It helps her think and dream.

Playing with Her Daughter: Diana and her daughter have lots of fun doing puzzles and painting together. –

Enjoying Nature: Going outside and seeing the trees, flowers, and birds makes Diana really happy. It’s like a big, beautiful garden.

Favorite Thing

Singing: Diana loves to sing more than anything else. It makes her very happy.

Spending Time with Her Daughter: She loves playing and laughing with her little girl. They do fun things together, like going to the park.

Quiet Moments: Diana enjoys times when she can be quiet and relaxed. This might mean reading a book or just sitting outside.

Music: Listening to music is also one of Diana’s favorites. It’s not just about singing; she also loves hearing other people’s songs.

Birthdays: She loves celebrating her birthday with cake and presents. It’s a special day that makes her smile a lot. 

Privacy: Though this might sound strange, Diana likes keeping her life private. It means she can do what she loves without lots of people watching. 

Creativity: Making up songs and stories is something Diana enjoys. It lets her use her imagination to create something beautiful.

Interesting Facts About

Diana Loves to Sing: Diana has a beautiful voice and enjoys singing. It’s one of her favorite things to do! 

Married to a Funny Guy: She once married Wayne Brady, who makes many people laugh on TV.

Birthday Party in March: Diana has her birthday party on March 4 every year because that’s the day she was born.

A Proud Mom: She has a daughter who means the world to her. They love spending time together.

Loves Privacy: Unlike many who share everything online, Diana prefers keeping her life private.

Not Always in the Spotlight: Even though she was married to someone famous, Diana likes living a quiet life away from many cameras.

Music is Her Passion: Diana still enjoys making music even if we don’t hear her songs on the radio. It’s a big part of who she is.


Who is Diana Lasso?

Diana Lasso is a talented lady who used to sing and is known for being married to a famous funny man, Wayne Brady. They aren’t married anymore, but people still talk about her.

How old is Diana Lasso?

Since we’re writing this in 2023, and Diana was born on March 4, 1975, you can do some math to figure out her age!

Does Diana Lasso have any children?

Yes, Diana has a daughter who she loves very much.

What does Diana Lasso do now?

Even though Diana loved singing, we don’t hear much about her music now. She likes to keep her life private, so we’re unsure about her latest adventures.

Is Diana Lasso on social media?

Diana likes to keep things low-key, so she’s not out there posting selfies every day. But who knows? She might decide to share more with us one day! 


Ultimately, Diana Lasso’s story is like a beautiful song that teaches many things. She shows us that it’s okay to love singing, enjoy quiet moments, and cherish time with family. Diana reminds us that you don’t always have to be in the spotlight to have a wonderful and meaningful life.

Her journey from Colombia to America, from singing on big stages to enjoying life’s simple pleasures, is inspiring. Even though we don’t hear her music on the radio, Diana’s life is like a melody that makes us think about what truly makes us happy. So, let’s remember to find joy in the things we love, just like Diana does with her singing, her daughter, and enjoying the beauty of Nature. It’s an excellent lesson for all of us, no matter how old we are.

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