Jessyka Janshel Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Jessyka Janshel

Jessyka Janshel is a famous model and social media influencer who was born on 5th July 1991. She is currently 33 years old as of 2024 and was born and raised in Texas. Jessyka attended Chavez High School. She went there for her primary education. Later, she enrolled at Prairie View A&M University. But, she did not complete her degree as she pursued a career in modeling.

Jessyka has gained recognition for her stunning looks. She has a curvy figure, measuring 34-24-39 inches. She stands at a height of 5 feet 4 inches and weighs approximately 58 kg. Also to her successful modeling career, Jessyka has also been in music videos. This has added to her net worth of $300K. Jessyka is inspiring many young girls to chase their dreams and succeed. She does it with her hard work and determination.

Who is Jessyka Janshel?

Jessyka Janshel is someone many people look up to. She is famous for being in pictures and videos where she models. She shows off clothes and looks pretty for the camera. Jessyka started like any other kid, going to school and learning new things. But she had a big dream in her heart! She loved the idea of modeling and being in music videos, so she decided to follow that dream.

She went to college for a bit. But, she knew her heart was in modeling. So, she chose to do that full-time. She works hard and loves what she does. She’s an excellent example for kids everywhere. She shows them that it’s okay to follow their dreams and do what makes them happy. Jessyka also enjoys a lot of fun hobbies, which shows us that it’s essential to have fun and take care of ourselves!


Full Name Jessyka Janshel
Birth Date 5th July 1991
Birth Place Texas, USA
Age 32 years
Profession Model, Instagram Star
Nationality American

Early Life and Education

When Jessyka was a little girl, like you, she went to a school called Chavez High School. It was a place where she learned many things, like you do at your school. After high school, Jessyka thought about going to college, which is a school for grown-ups.

She started at Prairie View A&M University, hoping to learn even more. But, she found something she loved even more than school – modeling. So, she decided to chase her dream of becoming a model instead. like in stories where the hero goes on an adventure, Jessyka starts her adventure.

Parents and Siblings

Jessyka has a family, like you and me. She has a mom and a dad who love her very much. They helped her to become the person she is today. Jessyka might also have brothers or sisters, people she grew up with and played with.

They could have shared lots of fun times, laughed, and even argued, like your siblings or cousins. But, they always cared for each other. Family is important, and Jessyka’s family has been a big part of her journey.

Husband and Boyfriend

Jessyka Janshel keeps her matters of the heart private. These matters include having a boyfriend or husband. Like some of us have secret best friends or unique toys, Jessyka chooses not to share them with the world.

Jessyka Janshel

It’s okay to keep some things to ourselves. This helps Jessyka focus on her dreams and hobbies, making her happy and successful. Everyone has private stories or things they like to keep for themselves, and that’s fine.


As of now, Jessyka Janshel has yet to share if she has any children. like we keep some toys secret and have private stories. Jessyka chooses to keep parts of her life private, too. This means we need to find out if she plays the role of a mom also to her modeling and dancing.

Also, Being a mom is a big responsibility, filled with love, care, and lots of fun. Jessyka has little ones to tuck into bed at night. But, whether, she continues to inspire with her adventures and dreams.

Jessyka Janshel Measurements and Physical Attributes

Jessyka Janshel is like a character from a storybook but in real life. She is not very tall, standing at 5 feet 4 inches, which might be a little taller than some of your parents! Jessyka weighs around 58 kilograms. That’s like picking up five big watermelons. Her body measurements are 34-24-39 inches.

Also, Imagine if you took a tape measure and wrapped it around different parts of a doll; that’s how we know her size. Jessyka is proud of how she looks and works hard to stay healthy. It’s cool to see how everyone comes in different shapes and sizes. All the superheroes have their unique powers. Jessyka teaches us it’s fantastic to be proud of who we are, no matter how tall or what size we are.

Jessyka Janshel Before Fame

Long before Jessyka became known for modeling and music videos, she was like any other kid. She had dreams and hobbies. Jessyka grew up in Texas. She spent her days playing, learning, and imagining the future.

Also, Even as a little girl, she loved to dress up and strike poses, pretending to be in front of a camera. This playful time was the beginning of her journey towards fame. These early experiences sparked Jessyka’s passion for modeling. They set her on the path to becoming the admired figure she is today.

Jessyka Janshel Career Success in Music Videos and Modelling

Jessyka Janshel has become a shining star in the world of modeling and music videos. Picture this: Jessyka stands in front of a camera. She flashes a big smile and poses in lovely outfits. That’s what she does as a model! She gets to wear fancy clothes and show them off for everyone to see. But that’s not all – Jessyka also dances and acts in music videos.

Jessyka Janshel

Also, Imagine dancing in an excellent video that lots of people watch on TV or the internet! She brings stories to life with her moves and expressions. This makes the music videos special. Jessyka worked very hard and believed in her dreams, and that’s why she has become so successful. Every day, she gets to do what she loves, and she makes sure to put her heart into every pose and dance move. Isn’t that awesome?

Jessyka Janshel Net Worth and Financial Success

Jessyka Janshel has a treasure chest. It lacks gold or jewels. Instead, it has “net worth.” This treasure is about how much money she earned from modeling and music videos. Imagine saving up all your allowance, but much, much more! Jessyka’s treasure chest is worth $300K.

Also, That’s like if you had 300,000 one-dollar bills! She got this treasure by working hard, posing for pictures, and dancing in videos. like when you do chores and save up for something special, Jessyka did lots of jobs to fill her treasure chest. It’s important to remember that working hard and doing what you love can help you save your treasures, too!

Jessyka Janshel Legacy and Impact

Jessyka Janshel is like a superhero. She shows everyone, especially young girls, that it’s great to chase what you love. Jessyka steps in front of cameras. She is in music videos. She helps paint a picture of following your heart and being confident. Think of Jessyka as a trailblazer, leaving sparkly footprints for others to follow.

She shows us that it’s not about being in front of the camera. It’s also about being strong, happy, and true to yourself. Her story and success encourage many people to dream big. They show that they, too, can do amazing things, like Jessyka. Every time she models or dances, she’s like a star in the sky, reminding us to shine bright and never give up on our dreams.

Jessyka Janshel Future Prospects and Endeavors

What’s next for Jessyka Janshel? She has already done so many cool things, like modeling and dancing in music videos. Jessyka’s adventure will be around for a while. She has big dreams that she’s still chasing. She may be in even more music videos, or she may try acting in movies.

Also, Jessyka might even start her own business. She would create things she loves and share them with the world. She also loves helping others, so she’ll do more to help kids learn to follow their dreams, like she did. No matter what, Jessyka’s future looks bright and full of exciting possibilities. Let’s cheer her on as she continues to chase her dreams and make the world a happier place!


  • Also, Jessyka loves to dance. She often shares videos where she is moving to music. It makes her happy.

  • She enjoys traveling. Jessyka has visited many places and likes to learn about new cultures.

  • Also, Reading books is another hobby. She loves stories that take her on adventures.

  • Jessyka also likes taking pictures. She uses her camera to capture moments that are special to her.

  • Also, Cooking is a fun activity for her. She tries new recipes and shares them with friends.

  • She spends time working out. Jessyka believes staying active is essential.

  • Also, Playing with pets is something she adores. Animals make her smile.

  • Jessyka finds time to draw. She creates colorful art pieces.

Interesting Facts About Jessyka Janshel

  • Jessyka was born in Texas. Texas is a prominent place with lots of people and yummy food.

  • Also, She went to a school named Chavez High School when she was younger. Schools are where we learn and make friends.

  • Jessyka could have been a college student at Prairie View A&M University, but she chose to model instead. Modeling is when you pose for photos.

  • Also, She is not very tall, only 5 feet 4 inches, but she is proud of it. Being tall or short is excellent either way.

  • Jessyka loves being in music videos. Music videos are fun to watch and dance to.

  • She also has a unique way of staying healthy, which is by working out. Exercising makes us strong and happy.

  • Also, Jessyka enjoys hobbies like dancing and cooking. Dancing is moving to music, and cooking is making yummy food.

  • She has pets she loves to play with. Pets are animal friends who make us smile.


Do you have questions about Jessyka Janshel? Let’s find some answers that are easy to understand!

How old is Jessyka Janshel?

She is 33 years old as of 2024.

Where did Jessyka grow up?

Jessyka grew up in Texas, a big place known for its fun and food.

Did Jessyka go to college?

She started going to Prairie View A&M University but then chose to focus on her modeling career instead.

How tall is Jessyka?

She stands at 5 feet 4 inches tall.

What does Jessyka like to do for fun?

Jessyka loves dancing. She also loves traveling, reading, and taking photos. Her enjoys cooking, working out, playing with pets, and drawing. She finds joy in these activities.

Is Jessyka in music videos?

Yes, Jessyka enjoys being part of music videos. It’s one of the exciting parts of her job. Remember, everyone has different paths in life, and Jessyka chose a path that makes her happy. It’s important to do what you love!


In this story about Jessyka Janshel, we learned a lot! Jessyka shows us it’s okay to follow our dreams, like she did with her modeling and music videos. She also teaches us to enjoy little things in life, like dancing, cooking, and spending time with pets.

Even though she didn’t finish college, Jessyka worked hard and became successful. Remember, doing what makes you happy is important, like Jessyka does with her hobbies. Everyone’s path in life is different, and that’s what makes each of us unique. Jessyka’s story helps us see that we can achieve our dreams if in ourselves and work hard.

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