Autumn Blair Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Autumn Blair is a 26-year-old American model and social media sensation. She has taken the internet by storm with her stunning looks and killer curves. Born and raised in West Virginia, Autumn has made a name for herself in the world of fitness and fashion. With a height of 5 feet 8 inches and a weight of 54kg, she is the epitome of beauty and health.

Her Instagram account is @autumnblair_xo. It has a huge following, thanks to her alluring pictures and engaging content. But there’s more to this rising star than her looks. Autumn is also a YouTuber and influencer. She inspires her followers to live and . With a net worth of $200K and her popularity only growing, Autumn Blair is definitely one to watch out for in 2024!

Who is Autumn Blair?

Autumn Blair is a very special lady who loves being in front of the camera and showing off her fitness skills. She was born in a place called West Virginia, which is in America. Autumn loves to share pictures. In them, she looks very happy and healthy. Lots of people like to see them on Instagram.

She also makes videos where she talks about how to stay fit and have fun. Autumn is like a shining star on the internet, with lots of friends who enjoy watching her adventures. She reminds us that being active and healthy is very important.


Autumn Blair
Date of birth
11 April 1998
26-year-old as of 2024
Birth Place
United states

Real Name

People call her Autumn Blair in pictures or videos. But, that’s not the name she given at birth. Like superheroes, they have one name in everyday life. They have another when they’re saving the world. Autumn has her own special name that her family uses.

It’s like having a secret code name that only those close to her know. Even though we’re curious about her real name, it’s okay if she wants to keep it between her and her loved ones. It’s her very own special secret!

The Early Years of Autumn Blair

Autumn Blair was a little girl who lived in a place called West Virginia. Imagine a place with lots of trees and mountains; that’s where she grew up! When Autumn was your age, she loved to play outside. She ran through the grass and looked for pretty flowers.

She went to school like you, where she learned to read, write, and make lots of friends. Autumn always had a big smile, especially when she was doing something fun. Think about what you love to do – Autumn was like that, finding joy in every day!

Parents and Siblings

Autumn grew up in a house full of love with her parents and some brothers or sisters, kind of like your own family! like you, she had people at home who cared for her, taught her cool things, and played with her.

We don’t know their names or what they look like. But, they helped Autumn become the happy and healthy person she is today. Imagine having fun dinners together, laughing, and sharing stories. That’s what made Autumn’s childhood special. Family love and support surrounded her. It made every day an adventure.

Autumn Blair Boyfriend

Autumn Blair keeps her love life like a secret treasure map. She doesn’t share much about if she has a boyfriend, almost like keeping a diary under lock and key. like in stories, the princess might have a prince. Or, she might be on an adventure alone. Autumn’s story is hers to tell when she’s ready.

It’s like a mystery book where we wait to find out more. But she’s happy whether she’s flying solo or with someone. Autumn’s happiness is what matters. It makes her tale exciting and full of surprises!

Autumn Blair Physical Appeal: Height, Weight, and Figure

Autumn Blair is like a superhero from a storybook. She stands as tall as a young tree, at 5 feet 8 inches height. She weight is 54kg. Autumn looks like those princesses you see in fairy tales, with a smile that lights up the room.

She’s strong and healthy because she loves to move around and play, like you do when you’re outside. Imagine being able to run, jump, and dance around, feeling light and happy – that’s how Autumn is every day!

Rise to Fame on Social Media

Autumn Blair became very famous on the internet. It was like finding a hidden treasure chest but with lots of friends, not gold. She started sharing pictures where she’s smiling big and looking happy. People all over the world began to like her pictures and videos. They thought, “Wow, Autumn is cool!” So, they told their friends, and even more people started to watch her.

It’s like when you share your toys and , everyone wants to play together. That’s how Autumn made so many friends online, by being herself and sharing her fun days with everyone.

Autumn Blair Career

Autumn Blair has a super cool job! She’s like a star in the world of modeling and sharing fun videos online. Autumn takes pretty pictures. She wears lovely outfits and shares them with people all over the internet. She also talks to her friends on YouTube about how to stay fit and happy.

Autumn gets to work with clothes and talk about staying healthy, which she loves very much. Imagine getting to dress up and help people feel good about themselves. That’s what Autumn does every day! It’s like playing dress-up but for grown-ups, and it helps make everyone smile.

Autumn Blair Impact as a Fitness Model

Autumn Blair shows people how to be strong and healthy in a fun way. She shares her workout pictures, making everyone see that taking care of your body is cool. Autumn is like a teacher, but instead of books, she uses her exercises to teach. Kids and grown-ups look at her and think, “I want to be healthy like Autumn!”

She helps everyone believe that being fit is not good for you, but it’s also a lot of fun. By doing this, Autumn makes a big, happy difference in the world of fitness.

Autumn Blair Net Worth

Autumn Blair has a treasure chest, but not the kind you might think of with gold and jewels. Her treasure is the money she earns from being a model and sharing fun on the internet. Imagine having a piggy bank that’s , full; that’s like Autumn’s treasure chest!

She has saved up about $200K, which is a lot of coins and bills! She got this treasure by working hard, being in photos, and making videos that lots of people like to watch. like saving allowance, Autumn saves her earnings to make her treasure chest grow.

Autumn Blair Famous Reason

Autumn Blair became very famous. She shares pictures and videos that make people smile and feel happy. She puts on beautiful clothes and shows how fun it can be to stay healthy and exercise. Imagine dressing up in your favorite outfit and doing fun dances or jumps. That’s what Autumn does. Lots of people like to watch her.

She’s like a cheerful friend on the internet, showing everyone how to enjoy life and be kind to themselves. People from all over the world watch her adventures and learn how to be happy like her.

Autumn Blair Nationality And Religion

Autumn Blair is from a place called West Virginia in the United States. That means she’s American. She’s like people from all the U.S. states. Everyone comes from different places and might believe different things. Autumn, like many of us, has her own beliefs which are personal and special to her.

Some of our friends might go to church or the temple, and some might not. What makes us unique is what we hold in our hearts. And that’s okay because it’s what makes the world interesting!

Autumn Blair Legacy and Impact

Autumn Blair shows everyone that being fit and healthy is super fun. She shares her workouts and happy moments. They help people feel good about moving. Autumn is like a guide, lighting up a path for others to follow, making fitness a joyful journey.

She’s making a big, bright mark in the world. She inspires kids and grown-ups to care for themselves while having fun. Through her, many learn that fitness isn’t about exercise. It’s about laughing, playing, and loving the journey.

Autumn Blair Future Plains

Autumn Blair has big dreams for the future! She wants to keep making videos that make people smile and teach them about being healthy and strong. Autumn thinks about trying new things too. She might learn to surf or write a book about her adventures.

She believes it’s important to keep learning and growing. It’s like how a tiny seed becomes a beautiful flower. Autumn’s future is bright. It is full of possibilities, waiting to opened like a treasure chest to reveal its contents!


  • Autumn loves going to the beach. She enjoys playing in the sand and listening to the waves. It’s her happy place!

  • She likes to stay active by hiking in the mountains. She finds fun trails and sees beautiful things in nature.

  • Autumn is a big fan of yoga. She does different poses to stay flexible and calm. It’s like playing a slow-motion game with herself.

  • Cooking is another hobby of hers. She tries new recipes and makes yummy food. It’s like being a kitchen scientist!

  • She enjoys reading books. Autumn finds stories that take her on adventures without leaving her room.

  • Drawing and painting are fun for her too. She creates colorful pictures that show what she’s feeling or thinking.

  • Taking care of her plants makes her happy. It’s like having a tiny garden of friends who need her help to grow.

Interesting Facts About Autumn BlairĀ 

  • Autumn was born on April 11, which means her zodiac sign is Aries. People know Aries to be strong and brave!

  • She has a big love for animals and often shares pictures with cute dogs. It’s like having furry friends who are always happy to see her.

  • Autumn is not a model; she loves making YouTube videos too. It’s like she has a magic window where she shows fun parts of her life.

  • Her favorite color is blue, like the sky on a sunny day or the deep ocean. It’s cool and calming at the same time.

  • She enjoys traveling to new places. Imagine going on treasure hunts. But, instead of treasure, she finds new sights and experiences.

  • Autumn has a sweet tooth and loves trying different kinds of desserts. It’s like a fun taste adventure with every bite.

  • She’s famous. But, she’s like anyone else. She enjoys simple things in life, like watching movies or playing games. It’s fun to know she enjoys stuff we all do!


How old is Autumn?

Autumn is 26 years old. She celebrates her birthday on April 11th!

How tall is she?

Autumn is pretty tall! She stands 5 feet 8 inches high.

Where does Autumn live?

She’s from West Virginia in the United States. That’s where she grew up!

What does Autumn like to do for fun?

She loves going to the beach, hiking, doing yoga, cooking, reading, drawing, and taking care of her plants. Autumn has lots of hobbies that make her happy.

Does Autumn have any pets?

She loves animals a lot and often shares pictures with cute dogs. So, she might have a furry friend!

What’s Autumn’s favorite color?

Her favorite color is blue. It’s cool and calming, like the ocean and sky.

Is Autumn on YouTube?

Yes! Besides being a model, she makes fun YouTube videos. It’s like a magic window into her life.


In the big world of the internet, Autumn Blair shines like a star with her smile and adventures. She teaches us that being happy is about doing what you love. It could be playing on the beach, hiking up a big mountain, or making a yummy cake. Autumn shows us that it’s cool to share our stories and make others smile too.

She’s like a happiness superhero. She spreads joy and shows everyone that it’s okay to be yourself. So, let’s learn from Autumn. Let’s find our happy places, try new things, and even share our own stories. Who knows? You might be someone’s Autumn Blair, making their day brighter. Remember, it’s all about the fun and smiles we share along the way!

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