Gemi Bordelon Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Gemi Bordelon is a successful entrepreneur. She is also a wife and mother. She has captured the hearts of many with her fun-loving personality. Born on February 1, 1975, Gemi is currently 49 years old and hails from Louisiana, USA. She’s best known as the wife of former LSU Tigers football team player and NFL player, Ben Bordelon. But, Gemi has also made a name for herself in the business world and has an estimated net worth of $3 million.

Who is Gemi Bordelon?

Gemi Bordelon is a famous for being married to a football player named Ben Bordelon. But Gemi is also amazing all by herself! She has her own business, which means she is her own boss.

Gemi went to a big school called Louisiana State University, where she learned a lot. She is also a mom to three kids, two boys and one girl. People love seeing Gemi dance in a fun video on the internet. She loves to laugh and have a good time with her family and friends. Gemi is special because she does so many cool things!


Gemi Bordelon
Date of Birth
February 1, 1975
49 years old as of 2024
Louisiana, USA

Real Name

The real name of this wonderful lady is Gemi Bordelon. Like in stories where people have special names, Gemi’s name is special too. Sometimes, others know people by different names, such as nicknames. But everyone knows her as Gemi Bordelon.

She has this name from the day she was born until now, and it’s the name her friends and family call her. Names are a big part of who we are, and Gemi’s name tells us the start of her story. like you have your own name, Gemi Bordelon is hers.

The Early Life of Gemie Bordelon

Growing up in Louisiana, Gemi Bordelon had a fun and sunny childhood. Imagine playing outside in the warm sunshine, that was Gemi’s playground. She lived in a place known for its beautiful rivers and it’s yummy food. As a little girl, she loved playing with her friends and exploring the outdoors.

Gemi always had a big smile and lots of energy for adventures. She liked school too, where she made lots of friends and learned new things every day. Even as a kid, Gemi was kind, smart, and always ready to help others. Her family filled her early days with laughter, learning, and lots of love.

Parents and siblings.

Gemi Bordelon grew up in a loving family in Louisiana. She’s got parents who cared a lot about her and helped her become the amazing person she is today. Gemi might’ve got brothers or sisters, but we don’t know much about them.

Families are special because they are the people who love us from the start. They teach us how to be kind, how to share, and how to love others. like your mom and dad help you learn and grow, Gemi’s family did the same for her. They shared a lot of happy moments together, making memories that Gemi carries in her heart.


Gemini Bordelon is married to a man named Ben Bordelon. Ben used to play a game called football, where you run around with a ball, trying to score points. He was good at it! He played for a team called the LSU Tigers when he was in college. That’s a big school where Gemma also went.

After college, Ben played for a team called the San Diego Chargers in the NFL. That’s where the best football players go. Now, Ben and Gemi are married, which means they’re a team in real life, not in sports. They take care of their family and have a lot of fun together.


Gemi Bordelon and Ben Bordelon have three children together. They have two boys who love to play and run around. They also have a girl named Brooke. She finished school at Louisiana State University in 2020.

The Bordelon kids have a lot of fun together. They play games and explore new places. Sometimes, they even dance with their mom in her fun videos! They all share a lot of laughs and make great memories as a family. Like their parents, these kids are full of energy and always ready for a new adventure.

Gemi Bordelon physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Gemi Bordelon is like a character from your favorite storybook, standing tall at 5 feet 5 inches. She’s not too tall, not too short, right, kind of like Goldilocks! Imagine if you stacked about 11 and a half rulers on top of each other, that’s how tall she is!

Gemi weighs around 58 kg, which is like carrying five big watermelons. She is healthy and strong. Gemi takes good care of herself. She eats yummy fruits and plays outside. Gemi shows us it’s important to be happy with how you look and to always smile big!

Gemi Bordelon Before Fame

Before many people knew her, Gemi Bordelon was like any other girl. She was growing up in Louisiana. Think of a time when you played with your friends, went to school, and spent time with your family—Gemi did all that too! She lived in a place with beautiful nature and delicious food.

Gemi was always smiling, learning new things, and being kind to everyone around her. Even before she became famous or started her business, Gemi loved having fun and dreaming big. She showed everyone that you can achieve great things. It’s possible to do it if you work hard and never stop believing in yourself.

Gemi Bordelon Career

Many people are unaware that Gemi Bordelon is married to Ben Bordelon. She’s also a very smart businesswoman, so she made her own company! Think of it like when you decide to build a lemonade stand, but for Gemi, it was a much bigger deal.

She uses her smart brain every day to make decisions that help her business grow. This means she gets to be the boss and make all the important choices. Through hard work and being clever, Gemi has built a job for herself that she loves.

Gemi Bordelon Net Worth

Gemi Bordelon has a net worth of $3 million. Think of net worth like a big treasure chest. If you add up all the money she’s made from her business and other cool things she does, it fills up the chest.

Then, if you take away any money she needs for grown-up stuff, like her house or car, what’s left in the chest is her net worth. Gemi has $3 million filling her chest, which is a lot! This shows she’s done a great job with her business and other projects. It’s kind of like a treasure hunter finding lots of gold.

Gemi Bordelon Famous Reason

Gemma Bordelon became famous because she loves to dance and shares her joy with the world. One day, she made a dance video that many people saw on the internet. This video showed her moving and grooving with a big smile, and it made lots of people happy.

When they watched Gemma dance, they felt like dancing too! Her fun video went viral. It made her known not as Ben Bordelon’s wife or a smart business lady, but as someone who brings joy and fun. People liked seeing her happy dance moves, and her video brought smiles to many faces.

Gemi Bordelon Nationality and religion.

Gemi Bordelon is from a place called Louisiana in the United States. That means she is American, like people from all over the country with different stories. America is big, with lots of different folks and places. Gemi’s home state of Louisiana is famous for it’s delicious food and lively music.

About what Gemi believes in her heart, like if she has a religion, it’s something personal. As some families go to church on Sundays. Some people have special traditions. Everyone has their own beliefs. Gemi has her own too, which are special to her and her family.

Gemi Bordelon Legacy and Impact

Gemma Bordelon shows us all how one person can touch many lives in happy ways. By sharing her dance and joy, she helps everyone smile a little more. She is famous for her fun dance video. But it’s her biggest mark is the kindness and joy with which she lives.

She teaches us that doing what you love and sharing it with others can make a big difference. Imagine spreading happiness like Gemi, making the world a brighter place. Her story tells us that being kind, joyful, and true to yourself is a wonderful way to live and impact others.

Gemi Bordelon Future Plains

Looking ahead, Gemi Bordelon has some exciting plans for her future. She wants to grow her business even bigger and help more people. Gemi dreams of creating new things that everyone will love.

She also plans to spend more fun times with her family. They will go on adventures and make happy memories. Gemi hopes to dance in more videos because she loves sharing her joy with the world. Even though we don’t know all her plans, we can be sure they will be full of fun, love, and big smiles.


  • Gemi Bordelon loves to dance. She moves to music and makes everyone smile.
  • Playing with fashion and design is fun for her. She mixes colors and patterns to make pretty outfits.
  • Spending time with her family is a big hobby. They play games, go on trips, and laugh a lot.
  • Gemi enjoys being outside. She might go for walks, play in the park, or have picnics with her kids.
  • Watching movies with her family is special. They’ve picked fun movies and share popcorn.
  • She also likes to cook. Gemi tries new recipes and makes tasty meals for her family.
  • Reading books is something Gemi does for fun. She loves stories that take her on adventures.

Interesting Facts About Gemi Bordelon 

  • Gemi likes to dance and even made a fun dance video that many people watched on the internet.
  • She went to a big school, called Louisiana State University, and finished her studies in 2020.
  • Gemi is not only a mom and wife, but she also runs her own business, which makes her a boss lady.
  • She loves to spend time with her husband, Ben, and their three kids. They do lots of fun stuff together.
  • Gemi’s favorite things are dancing. She also likes hanging out with her family. She enjoys playing with fashion and design.
  • Everyone knows her for being very kind. She always has a smile, which makes everyone around her happy.


What does Gemi Bordelon do?

Gemi Bordelon runs her own business. She is a boss lady.

Who is Gemi Bordelon married to?

Ben Bordelon and Gemi Bordelon have a marriage. He used to play football.

Does Gemi Bordelon have any kids?

Yes, Gemi Bordelon has three kids. She has two boys and one girl.

What are Gemi Bordelon’s favorite things to do?

Gemi Bordelon loves to dance, spends time with her family, and plays with fashion and design.

Where did Gemi Bordelon go to school?

Gemi Bordelon went to Louisiana State University for her studies.


Gemi Bordelon is a cool mom and wife. She danced in a fun video that lots of people liked. Gemi loves spending time with her family, dancing, and fashion. She attended Louisiana State University. Gemi is pretty tall, at 5 feet 5 inches, and she stays healthy.

She has a big heart and a smart mind to run her business. Gemma, her husband Ben, and their three kids are a happy family. She shows us that being kind, hardworking, and it’s having fun are important in life.

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