Kisha Chavis Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Kisha Chavis is the wife of retired NBA player Joe Smith. She is a well-known model and entertainer. The couple’s wedding was on the reality show Say Yes to the Dress. On their special day, people saw Kisha dressed up. Born in 1971 in the United States, Kisha is currently 53 years old as of 2024.  She stands tall at 5 feet 7 inches and weighs 64kg. Kisha has had a successful career in entertainment. She is estimated to have a net worth of $2 million.

Kisha is a beloved wife and mother, and she continues to inspire others with her talent and grace.  Despite being a public figure, Kisha values her privacy and focuses on her family and career. Kisha is determined and works hard. She has achieved great success and still inspires many.

Who is Kisha Chavis?

Kisha Chavis is a figure of many talents. She works in modeling and entertainment. She gained widespread attention because of her relationship with Joe Smith. He is a retired NBA player. But, her identity goes far beyond her marital status. Chavis carved a niche in the tough entertainment industry. She did it with her unique mix of creativity, charm, and business skill. Before the public knew her from her televised wedding on “Say Yes to the Dress,” Kisha was already making a name. She did this with her work behind the scenes and in front of the camera.

Kisha has shown resilience and adaptability in her entertainment career. She has also had an unwavering commitment to excellence. Kisha’s career reflects a story of empowerment and self-made success. She inspires aspiring models and creators. Her story is not about her association with fame. It’s about a woman. She pursues her passions in the tough world of entertainment.


Kisha Chavis
Date Of Birth
currently 53 years old as of 2024
Place Of Birth
United States

Real Name

This name recognizes Kisha Chavis in the public and professional spheres. But, this name means more than an identity label. It is a symbol of her achievements and persona in modeling and entertainment.

Her marriage to Joe Smith has brought her much attention. But, she is still celebrated by the name “Kisha Chavis”. This name captures her own success and her contributions to the creative world. This name stands as a testament to her personal and professional journey. It shows she is a distinct entity, beyond her affiliations.

Early Life and Education

Kisha Chavis grew up in the United States. Her early years laid the groundwork for her future success. From a young age, her family encouraged her keen interest in the creative arts.

This time of her life was full of learning and exploration. It set the stage for her career and her eventual fame in entertainment.

Parents and Siblings

Details about Kisha Chavis’s early family life are private. This includes her parents and siblings. Kisha has chosen to keep her immediate family’s identities and lives private. This reflects her desire for privacy and to shield them from the spotlight.

This discretion shows her commitment. She wants a boundary between her public persona and personal life. It ensures her family can lead a normal life away from media scrutiny.


Joe Smith is married to Kisha Chavis. He is a former NBA player. His career lasted over a decade and spanned many teams. The couple’s union gained public attention. Their wedding prep and parties were on “Say Yes to the Dress.””

People know Joe Smith for his contributions to professional basketball. He has transitioned into retirement. His relationship with Kisha is a significant chapter in his life after the NBA. They share a bond. It goes beyond Joe’s athletic fame. It focuses on their shared interests and life away from the basketball court.


Details about Kisha Chavis and Joe Smith having children are not public. This reflects their preference for keeping their family life private.

The couple’s decision fits with their approach to privacy. They want to keep this part of their personal life out of the media. They are also managing public attention.

The Personal Side of Kisha Chavis: Age, Height, and More

Exploring Kisha Chavis’s personal side reveals her as vibrant. She has an impressive physical presence. She is 5 feet 7 inches tall. Her height suits her career in modeling. Her weight is 64kg. It shows her balance of health and fitness.

Beyond the numbers, Kisha is 53. Her life is rich with experiences. They have added to her depth as a person and a professional in entertainment. The details give a glimpse into her looks. They hint at the layers of a life lived with purpose and passion.

Kisha Chavis Before Fame

The details of her first entertainment industry work remain secret. They hint at years spent honing her craft and finding her identity in a tough field. Before fame, her journey was a time of big personal and professional growth. It prepared her for the successes that would later define her career.

Kisha Chavis Career

Kisha Chavis has made big strides in modeling and entertainment. Her mix of creativity and charm has set her apart in these industries.

Kisha’s work ethic and dedication have helped her thrive in a tough field. They led to her financial success and recognition. Her career shows her many talents and her commitment to pursuing her passions. This has made her a respected figure in entertainment.

Kisha Chavis Net Worth and Financial Success

Kisha Chavis’s financial achievements are a big part of her career. They show her dedication and success in modeling and entertainment. Chavis’s net worth is about $2 million. Her wealth comes from her career as a model and entertainment creator.

She has participated in many entertainment projects and ventures. They have not only made her more visible but also enriched her. Her net worth shows her hard work. It also shows her smart career choices and the value she has created in her work.

Kisha Chavis Nationality And Religion

Kisha Chavis is an American national, having been born and raised in the United States. Her cultural and national identity reflects American society well. It embodies its diversity and richness.

Kisha Chavis keeps her religion private. This is consistent with her approach to keeping her personal life private. Her choice reflects a common understanding. In it, faith is a personal journey, kept separate from public talk.

Kisha Chavis Legacy and Impact

Kisha Chavis’s legacy is more than her status as a model and creator. It has shaped a story of empowerment and perseverance in the entertainment industry.

Kisha has fostered a sense of community and upliftment. She has done this through her public and private efforts, including her charity work. She has shown the power of influence and responsibility. Her story is a beacon for those carving their own paths.

Kisha Chavis Future Plains

Kisha Chavis is set to expand her horizons in entertainment and modeling. Her plans include doing more creative projects. These projects will show off her versatility and talent.

Her path suggests an interest in exploring behind-the-scenes roles. These include production or creative direction. In these areas, her experience and insights could have a big impact. Additionally, Kisha’s commitment to philanthropy and community engagement hints at future endeavors. They will blend her creative pursuits with meaningful social contributions. This reinforces her role. She is an influential figure in her work and personal communities.


  • Exploring Kisha Chavis’s personal side reveals more than her professional life. It reveals a woman with diverse interests. Her hobbies reflect her creative and dynamic personality.

  • Kisha Chavis loves travel. It lets her immerse herself in new cultures and experiences. This enriches her creativity and broadens her perspective.

  • She finds joy in taking photos. It’s a hobby that fits her travels and her eye for beauty.

  • Additionally, Kisha enjoys reading. It offers her relaxation and an escape into many worlds and stories.

  • Cooking is another hobby where she excels. She experiments with recipes and flavors. She does this to create tasty dishes for her family and friends.

  • Kisha’s hobbies give her a balanced life. They also improve her work in entertainment and modeling. They add depth and truth to her projects.

  • These personal interests contribute to her persona. They make Kisha Chavis well-rounded and intriguing.

Interesting Facts About Kisha Chavis

  • Before stepping into the limelight, Kisha was ambitious and had a deep passion for the arts.

  • An interesting fact about her is her unwavering commitment to growth and education. This commitment is clear from her quiet participation in workshops and seminars. These events aim to refine her skills in modeling and entertainment.

  • Despite her success, she stays grounded. She often does charity and community work. This reflects her belief in giving back to society.

  • Additionally, she is resilient in facing the challenges of the entertainment industry. She can also maintain a private life amid public scrutiny. This shows a strength and depth that many fans admire.

  • Kisha Chavis’s life story shows the power of perseverance. It also shows the power of adaptability and pursuing one’s passions against all odds.


Who is Kisha Chavis?

Kisha Chavis is a model and entertainer. She is better known as the wife of retired NBA player Joe Smith. After the reality show “Say Yes Dress” shared her wedding news, she gained recognition.”

How old is Kisha Chavis?

As of 2024, Kisha Chavis is 53 years old, having been born in 1971.

What is Kisha Chavis’s net worth?

Kisha Chavis has an estimated net worth of $2 million. It reflects her success in modeling and entertainment.

How tall is Kisha Chavis?

Kisha Chavis stands at a height of 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm) tall.

Does Kisha Chavis have any children?

The available information does not say if Kisha Chavis and Joe Smith have children.

Where was Kisha Chavis born?

Kisha Chavis was born in the United States. More specifics about her place of birth are not provided.


Kisha Chavis went from a model and creator to a recognized figure. Her journey was through her association with Joe Smith. It shows the many sides of her success. She embodies perseverance, creativity, and the need for privacy. She does so beyond her work and personal life. Public figures face constant scrutiny in this era. She has diverse hobbies and interests. She also engages in community service. This paints a picture of a woman committed to both her growth and to making a positive impact on those around her.

Her estimated net worth is $2 million. It shows her hard work and dedication in the tough fields of modeling and entertainment. We look towards the future. It’s clear that Kisha Chavis will continue to inspire many.

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