Kama Oxi Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki.

Kama Oxi is a talented young model who has captured the hearts of many with her stunning looks and impressive career. She was born on 18 November 2002 in Kyiv, Ukraine and has quickly risen to success at 17. Kama’s journey in the fashion industry began during her school years when she participated in various modelling competitions and fashion shows.

Her dedication and hard work have paid off, as she now stands at 5 feet 4 inches tall, weighs 50kg, and has a body measurement of 34-24-34. Along with her successful career, Kama has accumulated an estimated net worth of approximately 121K. With her determination and talent, Kama Oxi is one to watch out for in fashion.

Who is Kama Oxi?

Kama Oxi is a very talented model from Kyiv, Uk, Raine. She loves walking on the runway and showing off beautiful clothes. She started modelling when she was just a kid, not much older than youg. That’s when you wear unique outfits and walk in front of people so they can see the clothes.

It’s like playing dress-up but as a job. Kama worked hard and became very good at it. She also enjoys doing lots of fun stuff when she’s not modelling, like painting and reading stories about magical places. Kama shows us that if you really like doing something and work hard, you can become good at it, just like she did with modelling.


Kama Oxi
Born (Date of Birth)
18 November 2002
Age (as 2024)
21 Years Old
Zodiac Sign

The Early Years of Kama Oxi

Kama Oxi was a little girl like you, living in a big city called Kyiv in Ukraine. She loved playing dress-up and imagining she was in faraway lands. Even as a little girl, Kama had big dreams. She would often be seen with a smile, pretending to walk down a fashion runway in her room.

Her family and friends loved to watch her and cheer. Little did they know, Kama was practising for her big future. She showed everyone that dreams start to become honest with a lot of imagination and practice.

Parents and Siblings

Kama Oxi has a family who loves her very much. She has a mommy and daddy who support her dreams of being a model. They always cheer for her and help her practice walking like a model in their living room.

Kama also has siblings, which means brothers or sisters, but we don’t know their names or how many she has. Imagine having a sister or brother to play dress-up with and pretend you’re in fashion shows together! Kama’s family sounds like a lot of fun, and they’re always there to help her with her modelling and other adventures.


Kama Oxi keeps her personal life like a beautiful secret garden. Like in a fairy tale, some stories are just for us to wonder about. We don’t know if a prince is charming in her story, and that’s perfectly okay.

Kama is focusing on her modelling career, painting beautiful pictures, and spending time with her pet dog. Friends and fun adventures are vital to her. Remember, every story unfolds at its own pace, and Kama is enjoying hers, filled with fashion, art, and laughter.

Kama Oxi Height, Weight and Physical Appearance

Kama Oxi is a model with a big smile and sparkling eyes that make people notice her. She’s just the right height for modelling at 5 feet 4 inches tall. Imagine being almost as tall as a doorway! She weighs about as much as a big dog, around 50kg, which is just right for her. Kama’s body is very balanced, like a beautifully drawn picture, with measurements that many fashion designers love.

Kama Oxi

Her hair shines like the sun, and her skin glows like the moon. Kama Oxi cares for herself, so she can always look her best on the runway or have fun with friends. She shows us that being healthy and happy makes us glow from the inside out!

Kama Oxi Before Fame

Before Kama Oxi became a star in the fashion world, she was just like any other kid who loved to play and dream big. Kama found joy in simple things in her hometown, Kyiv, Ukraine. She enjoyed dressing up in fancy outfits, not for fashion shows, but for fun in her backyard. She often pretended to be a fairy or a princess from her favourite storybooks.

Even back then, Kama loved being in front of people, showing off her homemade designs to her family and friends. This was her first step towards modelling. She didn’t know it yet, but these playful moments built her confidence and creativity. Kama’s love for dressing up and performing for her loved ones showed early signs of her future in modelling. Even then, it was clear that Kama had a special spark, ready to shine in the fashion world.

Kama Oxi Career

Kama Oxi is like a star in the world of fashion. She started showing her love for dressing up and walking like a model when she was young, just like playing pretend. But soon, she wasn’t just pretending anymore! Kama walked on real runways, showing off clothes for people to see.

She worked very hard, going to shows and being in competitions. People loved how she looked in the clothes and how confidently she walked. This is how Kama turned her playtime into her dream job, becoming an excellent model many admire.

Kama Oxi Social Media

Kama Oxi loves to share parts of her adventure on the internet, where you can see pictures and videos of her modelling, painting, and having fun. It’s like a magical book but on the computer or your phone! She shows her beautiful outfits and her art, and sometimes, her pet dog comes into the picture, too. It’s fun to see what she’s up to because it’s like getting a peek into her fairy tale life.

Her friends and fans leave happy messages, and she sometimes writes back, spreading smiles and sparkles online. If you like adventures and stories about dreams coming true, you might enjoy seeing Kama’s posts on social media. It’s a way for her to share her journey with people worldwide, helping her inspire even more kids to follow their dreams, just like in the stories she loves to read.

Kama Oxi Net Worth and Achievements

Kama Oxi has done some pretty cool things in her career as a model. Imagine having a piggy bank, but instead of filling it with coins, you fill it with smiles and claps from people who admire your work. That’s like what Kama has done but in a grown-up way. She’s worked hard walking in fashion shows, and people enjoy seeing her model. Because of this, she has earned about 121K, which is a lot of money! It’s like if you saved up all your birthday and holiday money for a long time.

Kama Oxi

Kama shows us that when you love what you do and work hard, you can achieve great things, like winning competitions and being known for your talent. She’s like a treasure hunter who has found her treasure in the fashion world, and that’s pretty amazing!

Kama Oxi Legacy and Impact

Kama Oxi is like a shining star in the fashion world, especially for kids who dream big. She shows everyone that you don’t have to be grown up to start making your dreams come true. Kama started modelling when she was just a kid, proving that hard work and loving what you do pay off. She inspires many people, not just with how she models clothes, but by showing that being kind, creative, and true to yourself is super important.

Because of Kama, other kids worldwide might think, “I can do that too!” She helps everyone believe in their dreams, like in fairy tales, where anything is possible if you believe. Kama’s story makes a big splash in the ocean of fashion, leaving ripples that encourage all of us to swim towards our dreams, no matter how big they are.

The Future for Kama Oxi

 Kama has big plans for her future. She wants to walk in more fashion shows around the world. She dreams of being in magazines, showing everyone her beautiful outfits. Kama also wants to help other kids learn how to model. She thinks everyone should follow their dreams, just like she did. One day, Kama will design her clothes. She loves creating new looks. 

Kama hopes to travel to magical places she reads about in her fairy tale books. She wants to see everything! She’s also excited to keep painting. Kama might even have an art show one day!Kama will keep dancing, playing with her dog, and having fun with her friends. She knows it’s important to enjoy every day. Kama wants to keep inspiring kids like you to do what you love and be happy.


  • Kama Oxi loves to paint. She uses bright colours to picture flowers, animals, and places she dreams of visiting.
  • She enjoys reading fairy tales and adventure stories. Her favourite books take her on magical journeys to faraway lands.
  • Dancing is another hobby of Kama Oxi. She likes to move to fun music and learn new dances with her friends. 
  • Exploring nature is essential to her. She walks in the park, looks for exciting bugs, and collects pretty leaves. 
  • Kama Oxi also likes to play video games. She chooses games where she can go on adventures and solve puzzles. 
  • Cooking with her family is a fun time. She helps make cookies and tries new recipes for yummy dishes. 
  • Lastly, Kama Oxi loves taking care of her pet dog. They play together and go for walks, and she ensures her dog is happy and healthy.

Interesting Facts About Kama Oxi 

  • Kama Oxi is from Kyiv, Ukraine. It’s a big city with lots of history. 
  • She started modelling while still in school, which is pretty cool!
  • Kama is not very tall but stands out in fashion shows. 
  • She has a pet dog who is her good friend. They love playing together.
  • Painting is one of her favourite things to do. She paints all kinds of stuff like flowers and animals. 
  • Kama loves reading books that take her on adventures to magical places.
  • Dancing is another fun activity for her. She learns new dances with her friends. 
  • Kama enjoys cooking. Sometimes, she bakes cookies and tries making new dishes.
  • Going on nature walks is special to her. She looks for bugs and collects leaves.
  • Video games are fun for Kama, too. She plays ones where she can explore and solve mysteries.


What does Kama Oxi do?

She’s a model who started when she was in school, just like when you’re learning new things every day!

How tall is Kama Oxi?

She’s 5 feet 4 inches tall. That might be taller than you now, but everyone proliferates!

How old is Kama Oxi?

She was born in 18 November 2002, so at this time her age is 21 years old as of 2024.

What are Kama Oxi’s hobbies?

She loves painting, reading, dancing, exploring nature, playing video games, cooking, and caring for her pet dog.

Does Kama Oxi have a favourite book?

She likes fairy tales and adventure stories that take her to magical places.

Can I be like Kama Oxi?

If you work hard and follow your dreams, you can achieve anything you set your mind to, just like Kama Oxi did with her modelling career. Remember, everyone has something special about them!


We’ve discovered many fun and exciting things in our journey to learn about Kama Oxi. From her early days in Kyiv, Ukraine, to becoming an excellent model, Kama shows us that following our dreams is essential. Like Kama, you can do things you love, whether painting, reading, dancing, or exploring nature. Remember, it doesn’t matter how tall or where you come from;

what’s important is the joy and passion you bring to what you do. Kama Oxi’s story teaches us to keep dreaming, keep trying, and be kind to our friends and pets. So, keep learning, exploring, and growing, and who knows? You’ll share your unique story one day, just like Kama Oxi.

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