Kip Pardue Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Kip Pardue is a talented and handsome actor. He has captured many hearts with his charming on-screen presence. Born in Atlanta, Georgia in September 23, 1975, Kip has made a name for himself in both the modeling and acting industries. Kip has had a successful career for over two decades.

He has gained a huge following and become a household name in Hollywood. In this post, we’ll delve into Kip Pardue’s net worth, age, height, weight, family, and bio/wiki as of 2024. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to learn more about this talented star and his journey to success.

Who is Kip Pardue?

Kip Pardue is a person who acts in movies and used to model, which means he posed for pictures in cool clothes. He was born in a place called and when he was your age, he loved playing games like football and baseball.

He went to a very big school called Yale, where he continued to play football and studied hard. People like watching him in movies because he does a great job acting.


Alaska Zade
Date of Birth
September 23, 1975
49 years old as of 2024
 United States

Real Name

Kip Pardue’s real name is Kevin Ian Pardue. When he was born, his parents looked at him and decided he looked like a “Kevin Ian.” But as he grew up and started acting in movies and doing modeling, he chose to use the name “Kip.”

It’s shorter and sounds cool, doesn’t it? Some people have nicknames or prefer others to call them by a different name. He uses the name Kip Pardue when he’s on TV or in movies. He shows off cool clothes and makes us smile with his acting.

Early Life and Education

Kip grew up in a place called Atlanta, just like you live in your town. He liked playing games outside. He especially liked football and baseball. You do too. Kip went to a school named Dunwoody High School. He studied hard and played on the school’s sports teams.

After finishing high school in 1994, he got a special chance. He got to go to a big school named Yale University because he was so good at football. There, he learned even more. Not about sports, but also about something called Economics. It is about money and businesses. He finished learning there in 1998.

Parents and siblings.

Kip Pardue has a family, like you do! His mom and dad gave him his cool name, Kevin Ian, but he prefers to be called Kip. He might have brothers or sisters, like some of your friends at school do, but we don’t talk much about them.

Kip’s family watched him play games like football and baseball when he was your age. They were very proud when he went to a big school called Yale because of how good he was at football. Families are important, and Kip’s family helped him become the person he is today!


Kip Pardue keeps his love life pretty private, which means he doesn’t talk much about it. Whether Kip has a wife is something he hasn’t shared with everyone.  His wife named Alyson Wilson .

Like some people keep their favorite toys a secret; Kip keeps his personal life a bit mysterious. Respecting people’s privacy is important. We’re curious, but understand Kip’s need for secrecy.


Kip Pardue keeps some things about his life very private. They are like a treasure chest that only he has the key to. This includes whether he has any children. It’s like when you have a secret clubhouse or a special hideout that only you and your best friends know about.

Kip chooses to keep this part of his life to himself, like a private adventure story that he hasn’t shared yet. So, we don’t know if Kip has any kids who might be playing sports like he did or enjoying stories at bedtime.

Kip Pardue Height, weight, and physical fitness.

Kip Pardue is  49 years old as of 2024. he is  standing at 6 feet. His weight is 88 kilograms.

Kip looks strong and healthy because he takes good care of himself. He eats foods that are good for him and exercises to stay fit. Imagine running around the playground; that’s how Kip keeps himself in such good shape. It’s important to eat right and play a lot if you want to be strong like him.

Kip Pardue Before Fame

Before Kip Pardue became famous, he was a kid like you, living in a big city called Atlanta. He loved to play outside, throwing a football and hitting a baseball for fun. It’s easy to imagine playing your favorite game every day; that was Kip!

He also went to school and worked hard on his homework, just like you do. Kip wasn’t always in movies or on TV; he started out as a regular boy with dreams. He loved to imagine and dream about doing big things one day. And guess what? With lots of practice and hard work, he started to make those dreams come true!

The Shift to Modeling: A New Career Path

After finishing school, Kip Pardue found a new adventure. It was like finding a new game you love to play. He started modeling. This meant he got to wear cool outfits and pose for pictures. The pictures would be in magazines and on billboards for everyone to see.

Think of it like playing dress-up, but as your job! This was a big change from playing sports and going to school, but Kip was good at it. He worked for famous clothing brands like Abercrombie & Fitch and Polo. He smiled and looked nice in their clothes, like a superhero in disguise.

Kip Pardue Financial Success: Exploring Kip Pardue’s Net Worth

Kip Pardue has a treasure chest, not filled with gold coins, but with something called “net worth.” This is like a magic number that shows how much money he has from acting in movies and modeling for cool clothes. His estimated net worth is $2 million.

Kip Pardue Famous Reason

Kip Pardue became super famous because he acted in movies and on television. Imagine someone you see in your favorite cartoon or movie—that’s what Kip does, but in real life.

He pretends to be different people, like heroes or adventurers, and does a good job at it. That’s why many people know his name and like to watch him.

Kip Pardue Nationality and religion.

Kip Pardue is from a place called the United States, which means he’s American. Like you might live in a town or city in America, Kip does too! America is a big country with lots of different people, and Kip is one of them.

As for religion, that’s about what people believe, like if they think about a big, kind power taking care of us. Kip has his own beliefs. He belive in crishinty.

Kip Pardue Legacy and Impact

Kip Pardue is like a superhero in movies, showing us how to chase our dreams and be kind. His stories on screen tell us it’s cool to be brave and fight for what’s right. Kip’s acting teaches us to believe in ourselves, like he does in his adventures.

When people watch Kip, they feel happy and inspired to do great things. He shows that goodness and hard work can improve the world. He’s like a hero leaving a sparkle wherever he goes. Kip’s movies are like a treasure map, leading us to find the best in ourselves.

Kip Pardue Future Plains

What will Kip Pardue do next? That’s a big mystery! Like when you’re deciding what game to play or where to go on an adventure, Kip is thinking about his next big step. He might act in more movies where he can be a hero or a funny character.

he will travel to new places and tell us stories about them. Kip might even learn new things and share them with us. Whatever he does, it’s going to be exciting, like opening a surprise present. We can’t wait to see what adventures Kip will go on next!


  • Kip Pardue loves to play sports. He’s used to playing football and baseball when he was young.
  • He enjoys reading books. Kip likes to learn new things from books.
  • Kip likes to travel. He visits new places and sees different things.
  • Making models is one of his hobbies; Kip builds little models for fun.
  • Kip loves to listen to music. Music makes him happy.
  • He also likes to take pictures. Kip takes photos of places and things that he finds interesting.
  • Kip enjoys hiking. He walks in nature and climbs hills.

Interesting Facts About Kip Pardue

  • Kip Pardue was born in a big city called Atlanta.
  • He was good at sports like football and baseball when he was younger.
  • Kip went to a big school, named Yale, to play football.
  • After school, he worked as a model, which means he got to wear cool clothes for pictures.
  • Kip is tall, as tall as six feet! That’s like stacking three medium-sized dogs on top of each other.
  • He’s been in movies and on television.
  • Kip loves doing many fun things. He likes reading books, going to new places, and building tiny models.
  • He also enjoys taking pictures, especially of places and things he’s found interesting.


What does Kip Pardue do?

Kip is famous for acting in movies and TV shows. He also used to model for big brands.

How old is Kip Pardue?

Kip is 49 years old as of 2024.

How tall is Kip?

Kip is as tall as 6 feet.

Did Kip play sports?

Yes, Kip loved playing football and baseball when he was younger.

Where did Kip go to college?

Kip went to a big school named Yale, where he played football too. –

What are Kip’s hobbies?

Kip enjoys reading and traveling. He also likes making models, listening to music, taking pictures, and hiking.

Is Kip rich?

Kip has done well for himself, and his net worth is about $2 million.


In summary, Kip Pardue is a talented man who came from Atlanta. He used to play fun sports like football and baseball and did well in school. Kip also worked as a model, showing off cool clothes for companies, and then he got to be in movies and TV shows.

He’s as tall as a giant and loves doing a bunch of cool stuff, like reading, traveling, and making tiny models for fun. Kip shows us that if you work hard and follow what you love, you can do lots of amazing things. Isn’t that awesome?

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