Zion Shamaree Mayweather Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Zion Shamaree Mayweather was Born on March 28, 2001 in the United States, Zion is currently 23 years old as of 2024. He has a big following on Instagram, with over 220,000 followers. This is thanks to his famous father, boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr. Zion shares glimpses of his life there. He posts about his travels and family.

He comes from a family of boxers. They were all successful boxers. Zion is part of the Mayweather family legacy. He is with his siblings Jirah, Koraun, and half-sister Iyanna. Standing at 5 feet 8 inches tall and his weight is 72kg, Zion has also made a name for himself in the social media world. With a net worth of $1 million, let’s take a closer look at the life of Zion Shamaree Mayweather.

Who is Zion Shamaree Mayweather?

Zion Shamaree Mayweather is a young guy who likes to share his life online, where lots of people watch what he does. His dad is a super famous boxer, Floyd Mayweather Jr., which makes Zion a bit famous too.

Zion shows people where he goes, what he does, and who he’s with by putting pictures on a site called Instagram. He started doing this in 2012, and now over 220,000 people look at his photos. Zion loves to travel, see new places, and have fun. He has a sister and two brothers, and they all have a cool dad who boxes.


Zion Shamaree Mayweather
Date of Birth
March 28, 2001
23 years old as of 2024
United States
Real Name

Zion Shamaree Mayweather is his real name, just like it sounds. Sometimes people have nicknames or fun names they like to use, but Zion’s name is really Zion. It’s a special name for a special person.

His dad, Floyd Mayweather Jr., gave him this name. Just like we have names that our moms and dads pick for us, Zion got his name from his family. It’s a name you might hear when people talk about his dad, who is famous for boxing. Zion’s name is a part of him, just like your name is a part of you!

The early life of Zion Shamaree Mayweather

Zion Shamaree Mayweather grew up with a love for cameras and adventures. As a little boy, he liked to play and explore new things. Being born in a family famous for boxing, Zion also learned about sports from a young age. But unlike boxing, Zion found his own fun in capturing moments with pictures and sharing them.

He enjoyed being around his family, learning from them, and having fun together. From the time he was very small, Zion was always smiling and making others happy. He began sharing his happy moments online when he was just a kid, in 2012.

Parents and siblings.

Zion’s father, Floyd Mayweather Jr., excels in the boxing ring. He has a mommy named Josie Harris. Zion has a brother named Koraun and a sister named Jirah; they all have the same mommy and daddy. He also has a half-sister named Iyanna, but her mommy is Melissia Brim, not Josie. Zion’s family is big, with lots of love.

They enjoy spending time together, like your family does. Having siblings is fun. You always have someone to play with. It’s like Zion and his siblings.


Zion likes to keep his life a bit secret. This includes who he might be friends with in a special way, like girlfriends. Like you might have a best friend, who you like to play and share toys with, grown-ups too have special friends.

But Zion doesn’t talk much about this part of his life on the internet. He likes to keep some things for himself, which is okay! Everyone can choose what to share and what to keep private. It’s like how you might keep a secret diary or a special toy.

Zion Shamaree Mayweather physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Zion is not too tall and not too short, right at 5 feet 8 inches tall. And his weight is 72kg, which is right for his height. Imagine if you had a big backpack filled with your favorite toys; that’s how much Zion weighs.

Zion is healthy and looks like someone who has fun playing outside and staying active. like when you run around in the playground and feel strong and happy, Zion does too!

Zion Shamaree Mayweather Before Fame

Before Zion Shamaree Mayweather became known on the internet, he was a kid. He loved to play and explore. Growing up in a family famous for boxing, Zion found his own way to shine by capturing moments with his camera.

He wasn’t always sharing his adventures with lots of people online. Instead, he spent his time having fun, learning from his family, and enjoying being a kid. like when you draw pictures or play games without everyone watching, that’s what Zion did. He made happy memories with his family and friends, long before the rest of the world knew his name.

Zion Shamaree Mayweather Career

Zion Shamaree Mayweather is mostly known for sharing his life on Instagram. Many people like to see what he does there. He hasn’t chosen a job like being a doctor or teacher yet. Instead, he uses his camera to capture fun moments and share them online.

By doing this, Zion has made many friends who enjoy seeing his photos. His dad is a famous boxer, but Zion is still figuring out his own path in the world. He likes to show people the places he goes and the fun things he does, making his own kind of job on the internet.

Zion Shamaree Mayweather Ascent into Social Media Fame

Zion started sharing his life on a website called Instagram in 2012. Lots of people started looking at his pictures and enjoying them. They liked seeing where he went, who he was with, and what he was doing. Because his dad is famous, more people got curious about Zion.

They liked his fun pictures so much that over 220,000 people decided to follow him. This is how Zion became known on Instagram. He didn’t become famous overnight; it took time and lots of fun photos. Zion’s adventures and his happy smile made many people want to be his friend on the internet.

The net worth of Zion Shamaree Mayweather

Zion Shamaree Mayweather has saved a lot of money, kind of like a big treasure chest full of gold. Imagine having a piggy bank filled with $1 million instead of just a few coins! That’s how much Zion has from sharing his fun adventures on Instagram and being a part of his famous family.

It’s like having a mountain of toys or a whole room full of your favorite candies, but in money form. Zion’s treasure chest is large because he’s worked hard. Many people enjoy seeing his pictures and hearing about his life.

Zion Shamaree Mayweather Famous Reason

Many people know Zion Shamaree Mayweather. This is because his dad, Floyd Mayweather Jr., is a super famous boxer. Your parent dominated a specific field, sparking intense inspiration in you. Like making the best cookies or being the fastest runner in your town.

That might make you a bit famous too. Zion’s dad fights in big matches where lots of people watch, and he wins a lot. Zion’s dad being a champion piques people’s interest in him. Imagine if your dad was a superhero; you might feel a little famous too, right? That’s how it is for Zion.

Zion Shamaree Mayweather Nationality and religion.

Zion Shamaree Mayweather is from a place called the United States, which means he is American. Like when you say where you are from, like your city or state, Zion can say he’s from America. He might have his own too.

Like, if you have a favorite story or belief that you learned at home or a special place, Zion might have one too. But Zion keeps these personal beliefs to himself and his family. Remember, everyone has their own stories and beliefs. That’s what makes each of us unique, like Zion.

Zion Shamaree Mayweather Legacy and Impact

Zion Shamaree Mayweather is like a seed growing from a family tree full of strong boxers. His dad, Floyd Mayweather Jr., and other family members were all great at boxing. They were like superheroes in the ring. Zion is creating his own path, not by boxing, but by sharing his life and happiness on Instagram.

He shows the world that people can get recognition for good qualities. These include kindness and a spirit of adventure. This teaches people. It teaches them, especially kids, that fame isn’t about winning. It’s also about spreading joy and making friends worldwide. Like a small seed can grow into a big, strong tree, Zion is growing his own kind of legacy. He does it by being a good person and making others smile.

Zion Shamaree Mayweather Future Plains

Zion Shamaree Mayweather has big dreams for his tomorrow. He hasn’t picked the one thing he wants to do yet, but he’s got lots of ideas swirling in his head like leaves in the wind. he will become a photographer. He will snap pictures of beautiful places and happy faces around the world. Or he’ll start his own business, using his smarts to build something all his own.

Zion might even find a way to mix traveling, photos, and helping people all into one! Zion will keep sharing his journey, whatever he decides. He will make sure each step is fun and full of smiles. He’s got a path full of adventures waiting for him, like a treasure map that leads to exciting places.


  • Zion loves to travel. He goes to different places and sees new things.

  • He likes to take pictures. When he travels, he snaps photos to remember the fun times.

  • Playing sports is another hobby. Zion enjoys staying active and playing games outside.

  • He spends time with his family. Zion has fun hanging out with his brothers, sister, and dad.

  • Listening to music is something Zion enjoys. He likes all kinds of songs and dances to the music.

  • Zion also enjoys watching movies. He loves to sit back, relax, and watch his favorite films with popcorn.

Interesting Facts About Zion Shamaree Mayweather

  • Zion has a big family with famous boxers.

  • His dad is Floyd Mayweather Jr., a great boxer.

  • Zion likes to travel and shares pictures.

  • He has a sister named Iyanna and two brothers, Jirah and Koraun.

  • Zion’s grandpa, Floyd Sr., and great uncles, Jeff and Roger, were all boxers too.

  • He started using Instagram in 2012 and lots of people follow him.

  • Zion is tall, 5 feet 8 inches, and he weighs 72kg.

  • He’s very rich for his age, with $1 million.


What does Zion do?

Zion shares cool pictures on Instagram. Lots of people follow him there to see his adventures.

Who is Zion’s dad?

His dad is a very famous boxer named Floyd Mayweather Jr. Zion’s grandpa and great uncles were also boxers!

Does Zion have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, Zion has two brothers named Jirah and Koraun, and a sister named Iyanna.

How tall is Zion?

Zion is as tall as 5 rulers stacked on top of each other, which is 5 feet 8 inches!

What are Zion’s hobbies?

Zion loves to travel and take pictures. He also enjoys playing sports and hanging out with his family. He likes to listen to music and watch movies.

How much money does Zion have?

Zion has saved up $1 million, which is a lot of money!


In the end, Zion Shamaree Mayweather is a young man with a big, exciting life. He is part of a family that is very good at boxing and is also famous. Zion shares pictures of his adventures on the internet, where lots of people like to see them. He has fun traveling, playing games, and being with his family and friends.

Zion is also doing well with money because he is smart and works hard. He shows us that being kind and having fun are important parts of life. Zion’s story is like a happy adventure that keeps getting better.

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