Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles was born on January 15, 1957, making her 67 years old in 2024. She’s a multi-talented woman known for her work as an actress, model, and yoga instructor. She is also famous for being the wife of popular actor Mario Van Peebles. Chitra has found a perfect balance between her career and family life, making her a role model for many.

She has a net worth (approx.) of $12 million. She is in the spotlight. But, she has kept a sense of privacy. She focuses on her passions and family. With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 6 inches and weight 57 kilograms.


Category Details
Full Name Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles
Date of Birth January 15, 1957
Age (2024) 67 years
Place of Birth Guyana
Ethnicity Indian
Nationality American
Gender Female
Height 5 feet 6 inches
Weight 57 kilograms
Net Worth (Approx.) $12 million
Profession Actress, Model, Yoga Instructor
Marital Status Married to Mario Van Peebles
Children Yes, has children
Parents Leela Mata Sukhu (Mother), Hari Narine Sukhu (Father)
Siblings Has brothers and sisters
Education Completed primary and secondary education; early passion for acting and yoga
Career Highlights Acting in movies and TV shows, modeling, yoga instruction
Social Media Presence Shares updates about her life, career, and family through social media
Hobbies Gardening, Cooking, Painting, Hiking
Favorite Things Movies: Enjoys family movies<br>Color: Blue<br>Food: Cheese pizza<br>Animal: Elephants<br>Season: Autumn
Interesting Facts Incorporates imaginative elements in yoga classes<br>Has a unique chocolate chip cookie recipe<br>Paints with her family<br>Explores new cultures with her family<br>Secret talent for singing
Future Plans Continue acting, teaching yoga, exploring new opportunities and experiences
Pets No public information on pets
Yoga Attire Wears comfortable clothing for yoga classes
Magic Believes in the joy and impact of kindness and creativity


Who is Chitra Sukhu van Peebles?

Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles is a talented lady who does many exciting things. She acts in movies and TV shows and pretends to be different characters for her job. Chitra also teaches yoga, an exercise that helps people relax and feel peaceful. Besides, she used to model, posing for magazine pictures or ads.

What’s remarkable is that she’s married to Mario Van Peebles, an actor. Together, they have a family, and Chitra is a loving wife and a caring mom. She handles her work well, ensuring her family is happy and loved.

Early Life and Education

Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles was once a little girl, like you! When she was young, she loved to learn new things. Chitra went to school. There, she read many books, played with friends, and learned about the world. She always had a big smile when learning something new, especially when it came to acting and dancing. Even as a kid, Chitra had dreamed of being on TV and in movies.

Her teachers and family said she was great at pretending to be different characters. This is a big part of being an actress. Chitra worked hard in school. She knew that education was key to making her dreams come true. She also started practicing yoga, which helped her stay calm and focused. It’s a love that grew with her, and she later became a yoga teacher.

Parents and Siblings

Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles comes from a family that is entirely one of love and support. Her parents always encouraged her to follow her dreams. She could be an actor, model, or yoga teacher. They were like cheerleaders, clapping for her at every step. Chitra also has brothers and sisters who are like her best friends. They played together a lot when they were kids, pretending to be in faraway lands or famous people.

She always had someone to talk to, share secrets with, or practice acting. She grew up with siblings. Her family made her the caring and talented person she is today. They’re essential to her, like a puzzle wouldn’t be complete without all its pieces.

Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles Husband and boyfriend.

Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles is married to Mario Van Peebles. Mario is an actor like Chitra, which means he pretends to be different characters in movies and TV shows. They are a team, not in their family life but in their work.

Being married to Mario makes Chitra a wife, and together they have kids, which makes her a mom too. They share a lot of love and support each other in everything they do, like a super team. Mario and Chitra enjoy spending time together. They do this whether they’re working or having fun with their family.

Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance.

She was born in January 15, 1957, making her 67 years old in 2024. Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles looks special. We don’t talk about someone’s age or weight because those numbers don’t tell us who a person is. What’s important is how Chitra shines when she smiles. She spreads kindness wherever she goes.

With a stunning appearance, standing at 5 feet 6 inches and weighing 57 kilograms. She stands tall. Not because she reaches high, but because she lives with love and joy. Chitra has a beautiful glow. It’s thanks to yoga and self-care. It’s an excellent reminder for us to be kind to ourselves. Her appearance is one part of the fantastic things she does and the wonderful person she is.

Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles Before Fame

Long before Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles became known for acting, modeling, and teaching yoga, she was a girl with big dreams. Imagine a little girl, like you. She had a sparkle in her eyes when she talked about movies. And when she pretended to be her favorite character. That was Chitra! She didn’t start famous. Instead, she spent her days learning, playing, and dreaming like any other kid.

Even then, there was something special about her. She had a big heart and a creative mind. They loved to explore the world of imagination. Every day, she got ready for the amazing things she would do. It showed us all that our dreams can come true with hard work and passion.

Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles’ career

Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles has a job that is both fun and interesting! She is an actress, meaning she gets to pretend to be different people in movies and TV shows. It’s what she does! Chitra also shares her love of yoga by teaching others how to do it.

Yoga is a particular exercise that makes you feel calm and happy. Plus, she used to be a model, posing for pictures you might see in magazines or billboards. She does all these incredible things and still has time to be an awesome mom and wife. Isn’t it amazing how she can do many different things and be good at them all?

Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles Net Worth and Achievements

Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles has done some pretty cool things in her life! She’s been in movies and TV shows, which is like being a part of the stories you watch before bedtime. Imagine being anyone from a princess to a superhero in those stories. That’s what Chitra does as an actress. Plus, she teaches people how to do yoga. Yoga is like a peaceful warrior, helping people feel happy and relaxed. She’s worth approximately $12 million.

She has also been a model, which means she got to dress up in fancy clothes and pose for pictures that many people see. We don’t know how much money Chitra has. But, doing all these things means she’s worked hard and achieved a lot. It’s like saving up your allowance for something special. She has made her dreams come true by doing what she loves.

Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles Future Plains

Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles is always dreaming big and thinking about tomorrow. She believes in following her heart and doing what she loves. Imagine having a magic map that shows you all the exciting places you can go and all the fun things you can do. For Chitra, her plans are like this magic map. She wants to keep acting. Playing different characters is like going on adventures at home.

Chitra also plans to teach more yoga classes, helping people find peace and happiness. She might even try something completely new! Chitra gets excited about all the possibilities. She likes playing and imagining. She imagines being a superhero, a doctor, or an explorer.

Social Media Presence

Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles likes to share bits of her life online. It’s like when you share your favorite drawings or toys with friends. She uses websites where people can post pictures and talk to each other, even if they are far away. Chitra posts photos of her acting, teaching yoga, and having fun with her family.

It’s like a magical book that tells stories about her adventures, but it’s on the internet instead of paper. This way, people who like what she does can see her updates and feel happy. It’s like showing your friends your newest dance moves or the cool leaf you found outside.


Chitra loves to get lost in stories. They range from magical fairy tales to exciting adventures. She believes that reading makes the imagination grow.

Gardening: She enjoys planting flowers and watching them bloom. It’s like a little of nature’s magic in her backyard.

Cooking: Chitra likes to whip up delicious meals for her family. It’s like being a chef in her kitchen, creating yummy dishes that make everyone smile.

Painting: With her paintbrush, Chitra creates colorful pictures. It’s her way of putting the beautiful ideas from her mind onto paper.

Hiking: She loves to go on walks in nature, exploring forests and mountains. It’s like an adventure, discovering new places and animals.

Favourite Things

Chitra loves watching movies with her family. She especially loves movies that make them laugh and feel happy.

Color: Her favorite color is it’s blue, like the sky on a sunny day or the ocean during a beach trip.

Food: She enjoys eating pizza with lots of cheese and yummy toppings. It’s a fun meal that makes dinner feel like a party.

Animal: Chitra adores elephants because they’re gentle giants. She thinks they are brilliant and caring.

Season: Autumn is her favorite time of year. She likes it when the leaves change color. The air gets a bit cooler, perfect for outdoor adventures.

Interesting Facts About

  • Chitra loves to pretend to be characters from books and movies. She does this during her yoga classes, making it fun for everyone.

  • She once made a garden in her backyard, growing not flowers but veggies and fruits, too.

  • Chitra has a unique recipe for chocolate chip cookies that her family says are the best in the world.

  • She can paint well. Sometimes, she paints with her kids. They turn the walls of their home into a big, colorful art gallery.

  • Every year, Chitra and her family pick a new place on the map to explore. They go on adventures and learn about new cultures together.

  • She believes in magic the magic that happens when you help someone or make them smile.

  • Chitra has a secret talent for singing. She sometimes writes her songs. She shares them with her family at special occasions.


Have you ever wondered if Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles has any pets?

While we often see her sharing love and fun with her family, we haven’t spotted any furry friends in her posts.

But who knows?

she’ll surprise us with a cute pet one day.

That would be super fun, wouldn’t it?

Chitra uses her imagination to make her yoga classes fun. But, she wears comfy clothes that let her move , not her movie costumes.

Can Chitra do magic?

When we talked about her believing in magic, we meant the joyous feeling or doing something kind.

What’s Chitra’s favorite game to play with her kids?

Chitra loves adventures. She enjoys games that let them explore and use their imagination.


Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles is like a superhero. Chitra Sukhu Van Peebles shows us all the amazing things one person can do. She does it all without a cape. She acts in movies, teaches yoga, and still has time to be a wonderful mom and wife. Like in a colorful storybook.

Chitra’s life is full of exciting adventures, and she teaches us to dream big and love what we do. With imagination, hard work, and a little magic, your dreams can come true, too. Let’s take a page from Chitra’s book and spread kindness and joy wherever we go.

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